Sep 10, 2006 13:16
I'm trying to watch videos on youtube but it's takeing for ever I seariously have nothing better to do right now and I just relized that on wendsday I have two hours of study hall and I won't have anything to do I seariously hope that I can get her to let us take secend lunch... wate that might just murder me oh well stell better than haveing nothing to do. I wish I knew what my philsophy homework was because I seariously have no idea what is going to happen to me tomarow scence I don't have it I hope it's nothing bad because I really wasn't there to get it. and all I know about it is it was a peace wrighten by Arastotle which really dose me no good because I have like 10 arastotle books down staires so I don't know which peace it was and if I did know well I mostlikely wouldn't of put that song on my "evil site of death" (MySpace) be here trying to watch things on youtube and updateing on this. ok I'm bored maybe I should go get that hat I was talking about?