Ladys and gentelman Kate has passed every class with a C or higher!!!

Jun 27, 2006 14:21

ok so my brother and grandparents are gone I have allready allmost cleaned thw whole liveing room I'm hopeing that if I get it done well enugh mom will get the upstears toilet fixed so I don't have to walk threw mom's room every time I have to pee (yes I said it) but that means I need to spend my time doing that and not this but oh well god it's to hot my grandma was like well today it's only suposed to be 105 degrees in the tricitys today IS SHE CRAZY? ohhh and the best part of there trip is the comments about the reasion they couldn't come up this last weekend "ewwwwwwww... is that why we couldn't get a room because of all the homos?!?!" or the comment about how the only reasion they like my hair is because it's not blue anymore they accualy admited it to that's what is sad. ok back to Danny's mess
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