Mar 06, 2004 15:10
There is so much I feel
So much I want to say
So much I want to free
So much built up waiting to burst
Just waiting to explode to nothing
My life has been a roller coaster ever since she left
Yet all I yearn for is to get off this ride
and go on the one she is on
Go with her
For I loved her and that is all I wanted to do
All I wanted to do was love
Care for her, kiss her, be there for her
I always wanted to be the one she went to
I know I have to move on for the betterment of me
also the betterment if there is ever to be an us again
But how do I do that
I can't right now...I can barely pull myself away from her when I see her
I can barely take her stuff out of my room
I still go out of class hoping she is out there
I still go to places she once did all in hopes
How do you kill hope? How do I get up and go on
Everytime I try to get up I just get too weak to walk and fall
Always morning and weaping for what I want
The worst feeling in the world is wanting something and willing to give anything for it and still not being able to have it
So my decision...well I don't have much of one. I can't controll my feelings but I can listen to them.