spring/summer news

Jun 12, 2006 12:56

Soo I haven't updated this in a long time.
I decided to do this just because, since I have this journal and I do still look at it, but I never write in it.
So most of it so far has been me just working. The kids are moving into a brand new building in a week, so its been crazy trying to get it all together in time. Senator John Kerry is coming to commemorate (SP?) the building, and they're having the whole campus sniffed out for any bombs the day before.
I'm going for a caseworker position through the company I'm at. Wish me luck!
I've been to some great shows lately. I saw some bands I've never heard of and enjoyed them.
I have some goals this summer to go through which are :
1) Pay of my credit cards (2)
2) Study for my GRE Exam
3) Start looking into grad. schools for counseling
4) Take my test by the end of the summer.

I am still in love and happy with the nicest, goofiest guy ever.

I've been seeing some friends more lately, which has also made me happy. I hope if I get that caseworker job, I'll work regular hours and have weekends off. So that way I can see everyone more.

Beach days are ahead of me soon.
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