Demeleier: App

Nov 28, 2011 23:24

Player Name: Moros
Player LJ: doom
Contact: aim: dustofoneiroi (pm and I will add you)
Character Number: one

Character: Haru
Fandom: Fire Candy
Personality: Haru is a man who hides his feelings behind immaturity, lies, and extreme behavior. He likes to wear the mask of the young punk who roamed the streets looking for trouble. It's easier in his eyes to be the kid rather than the adult who hasn't quite grown up. He struggles with this feeling and often questions what it means to be an adult.
It’s hard for the quarter to let go of who he was because of the protection that his guise provides him. As the whore he can be used and thrown away without consequence so no one really gets to know him. It also allows him to do the same to those who use him. Haru is great at lying to others as well as himself. Given enough leeway in his act and he’ll pretend that he really is that kind of person. Unfortunately this doesn’t decision usually doesn’t end in happiness because he starts to dislike himself and favors spiraling downward over realizing the truth.

One of the reasons Haru puts on this mask is that he is determined to get revenge against Tetsu and Lloyd. However even this part of the whore is quite conflicted. Haru wants revenge but at the same time he wants answers to why 'that night' happened. He wonders if he's like them and what he’s truly capable of. These thoughts are not ones that Haru likes to dwell on so he pushes them away and focuses more on revenge.

At the same time Haru uses people. He looks for ones he won't mind loosing so that he can get what he wants. However his time with the Jammy Angels has proven to him that he’s starting to care more than he could have.
Haru’s relationship with women is particularly worth note. When women aren’t close to him he can be friendly and very free with them. However the closer a woman gets to him, the more he becomes distant and is capable of treating them poorly. If they confront him about his past he can be particularly aggressive and hurtful. This is seen in the Manga when Haru has a night out with his friend Akira who cares about him enough to ask about him.

History:Not much is known about Haru's earliest years. He is a quarter lynx and he never finished school beyond grade school. He joined a street gang called Platinum and rose to the top around the age of fourteen. Platinum had no more than thirty members and ruled all of the Shibuya and Shinjuku area ten years before the main storyline. Small and deceptively sweet, he became known as the Platinum Lynx. Haru was particularly sadistic with his enemies and showed them little to no mercy. It is unclear how close his relationship with his fellow gang members was but “Bloodbath” Lloyd and Tetsu are the ones that stick out the most amongst the group. After awhile the street gang fell apart and members of Platinum started to turn on each other.

Lloyd seems to have been someone Haru was very close to during his time with Platinum. Their history is one that’s painted with blood and bitterness. Whatever might have happened between them, at some point Haru met a woman, married her, and conceived a child with her. Literally right after she gave birth the gang showed up to teach Haru a lesson.

Three years after Platinum reached its peak and on the night his child was born, Haru was raped and forced to watch while his wife was being raped. The event was actually recorded on film and sold as underground smut. The scene took place in an office Lloyd would later occupy as the head of a new gang, Mute. Unfortunately it has not been clearly stated whether or not the baby and his wife survived. However Haru refers to himself as divorced and still calls himself a father.

Haru still has mental scars from the trauma of that night and it became common knowledge afterwards that the Platinum Lynx was dead. Tetsu was the one said to have killed him but it was Tetsu who actually physically raped him. For some reason or another Lloyd let Haru live on after the incident. Lloyd left the city at some point and things progressed on.

After the attack Haru lived on as a prostitute and no one knew him as the Platinum Lynx except for an old friend, Akira. Occasionally he would service her for free and they would hang out at her quiet bar under The Automatix, a gay club. Akira also supplied Haru with a fire candy-like substance which he seems to use only once in awhile.

Things were relatively quiet until the leader of the Jammy Angels caught Haru's eye. The young guy named Ryoki with his wild eyes became an interest of Haru's to watch. He wanted to meet Ryoki so much that when Leo, the second in command wandered into the Red Light district. Haru made him a friendly offer (too bad he didn't know that Haru wasn't a girl!)

Leo quickly discovered that Haru wasn't a girl and Haru took the opportunity to blackmail Leo into taking him to see Ryoki. Upon meeting Ryoki ran up to him and kissed him which upset his love interest, Yukito. Immediately Yukito and Haru started to compete with each other and with Ryoki's nonplused attitude towards Haru's sexual behavior, they pretty much took it upon themselves to work it out with each other.

Neither one was part of the Jammy Angels so they decided to make the initiation test a competition. When the test went horribly wrong Haru risked his life to save Yukito from being hurt. She was less than grateful and the pair continued to bicker.
Haru never tells the Jammy Angels during his time with them who he is or much about his past with Platinum. However Lloyd shows up in town again and Haru interested in getting revenge against him becomes intent on helping the Jammy Angels in their quest to kick his ass for fire candy. (Lloyd raises the price of fire candy to twice its cost and The Jammy Angels refuse to pay the hike. The group only manages to pick off a few of the weaker members before Lloyd decides to give them hell. He has Leo kidnapped. Then when that fails Lloyd sends out Tetsu to find out more about the group. Haru joins the others at school while Tetsu shadows the group.

It isn’t long before the two meet outside of the school. Tetsu attacks Haru and another member of the Jammy Angels. Haru taken by surprise and enraged by the appearance of Tetsu quickly looses to him but screams at him that he’ll kill him. Tetsu drugs Haru and Yukito. He takes Yukito with him and leaves Haru to be found by the others. Haru and the others race off to save Yukito before she’s raped by Tetsu. Haru confronts Tetsu and the two have a moment of teasing each other with flirty threats before Ryoki enraged by Tetsu’s behavior takes things into his own hands. Ryoki severs Tetsu’s head and drinks the blood then takes his prize out to the streets while everyone else watches.

Timeline: Shortly After the last scene in Volume 2

Abilities: Haru is extremely athletic. He's capable of carrying a teenage girl up a wall and coordinating a crash landing so that she's not injured. The quarter is also shown to be quite resilient when that same landing causes him to land on his head. He was wearing a helmet but he survived and got up quickly after as if it was nothing in spite of the blood dripping from the side of his head.
He's a masochist and seems to not mind pain. Haru has been shown cutting into his own flesh at times and also being hurt by others while speaking affectionately to them.

Inventory: Haru most likely has on him some fire candy vials and paraphernalia to use it, a straw like holster, condoms (in glow in the dark pink), tiger claws (made of steel), a random assortment of paper money from a client or two and roller blades.

Link to an image of the character: Here you are

Sample writing: Haru skidded to a halt. He sneezed in reaction to all the dust suddenly in the air. His eyes wide with shock as scanned over dusty antiques and expensive looking furniture. This was definitely not home.

“Who the fuck let all the old out?”

Haru took a step forward then remembered his manners. He was inside wearing his skates! The quarter cursed and quickly looked around for an alcove to take his shoes off, when he didn’t find one he simply sat on the floor and started to unlace the skates while thinking to himself what might have happened.

The whore remembered leaving Ryoki and the others after Tetsu’s death. He had skated home full of a strange mixture of emotions. Unfortunately he hadn’t had time to sort through them because of the danger of the gang getting caught with a dismembered head. Haru had hoped to have time to himself when he got home. Unfortunately his inner mess was going to have to wait.

If anything could be the opposite of Shinjuku this surely was it. Without warning he had come to a place lacking the vibrancy, movement, and life he was used to. It was quiet. Too quiet, as if he had died or a great natural disaster had silenced life. He shuddered unable to shake the unease of being in such a place.

“It’s like a young person hell~”

Haru made a face while trying ignoring the fact that he had started talking to himself to fill the silence up. If he was here alone, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do. There had to be other people here. Finding others was now top priority. Standing up again, this time barefooted, Haru tied the laces of his skates together then threw the pair over his shoulder. He walked bare footed through the house with his feet making noise on the hard wood floor.

“Hello? Is anyone here~? I promise I won’t bite, well not unless you want me too~ ♥ “

Sample journal entry: Back to normal and way less crowded. I kind of miss the noise!
Now that there's nothing to do I'm going to take this chance to catch up on some sleep. Maybe paint something. I miss them though when I do that. So maybe not.
If anyone wants to do anything I'm up for some fun~ < ♥

supplementary (skip if you want but it's easier than probably trying to find this info)
Fire Candy takes place in 20XX A.D Shinjuku, Japan. The humans lost the ability to reproduce through the natural method. In an attempt to continue the species the government started a project which involved mixing humans with animals. Halves are the direct result of it. Quarters, like Haru who is a quarter lynx are just as persecuted by humans as the halves. However it is unknown whether Quarters can be killed without repercussion like the halves.

Fire Candy was a once publicly allowed stimulant that was recalled by the government when it was foundto have a very negative side effect of causing people to spontaneous combust randomly. It seems to be very addictive but you can break the habit or wean yourself off of it with the same stuff Akira offers. However, it doesn’t take away the risk of one day spontaneously combusting.

Motor blades are essentially rocket powered roller blades. They’re very dangerous to mess with especially if they’re modified or you’re not that coordinated.
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