Leaving Las Vegas...

Jan 31, 2005 18:32

I went to Vegas this week-end and had a fucking AMAZING time!!  It was so fucking fun!!  I went with Mazi, John, Scott and Louie.

How fucking fun!!!

~ Thursday ~

I left directly from work to go to Mazi's house.  We went to pick up John from there.  And so began the Vegas trip to end all Vegas trips!  lol  We get to Vegas and check in.  I stayed with Scott and Louie.  We went to the "Free Clinic" that night.  (Free Clinic is a bar in the 'Fruit Loop'  LMAO!  I love it!!)  Scott, John, and Mazi were all tired so they went back to the hotels.  Louie and I stayed out until almost 5a.m.!!  We had a fuckin blast!

~ Friday ~

Get up at like 1ish... go to lunch and shit.  We went to the Forum shops at Caesar's Palace.  That place is beautiful!!  HOLY SHIT!  Some great places there.  Chrome Hearts was this odd store...Almost a S & M store with leather and shit.  But there's one reason I loved it so much...

Is that HOT or what!!  lol  Then we go back to our respective hotels.  There's this show at our hotel called "Air Play" which was this acrobatic show with these fuckin HOT men!  Just look...

Yeah...I know...  SO HOT!!  So we go out again that night.  It was fuckin great.

~ Saturday ~

Do you believe in SEEING CHER IN FUCKIN VEGAS!!  Yeah...I totally did!!  How fucking awesome!!  It was so great.  I fucking love that woman!!   The best part was that the Village People opened for her!!!  They were really great too!  The funny shit about that night is that behind us were these bitter people who didn't believe in standing up at a concert...they fucking yelled at Louie and told him to sit down.  I was all "OH NO She didn't!" And we stood up again!  Of course I was bustin a groove!  lol  I had such a blast.  Then off to the new club on the strip called Krave.  It was kinda odd at first...but it grew on me!  It was a lot of fun...even though I was exhausted and had an ear fucker named Oscar next to my head!

This guy was standing next to me, right...I was sitting down facing sideways and he was facing the stage so his pelvis was gyrating into my ear.  He introduces himself and I was all "Hi..whatever"  He was a nice guy but a little odd....He was all "Are you here with your friends?" and I said yes.  He was all "Which one is your boyfriend?"  I told him I didn't have one.  He said that I had a really cute face...I was all thanks!  Then he asks me what kind of lesbian bars are in LA.  I was all "Well I only know of one and its in west hollywood."  Ya know 'cause I go to them all the time, right?  lol  it was so odd..

~ Sunday ~

I was so exhausted...but we had a good time...We just walked up and down the strip.  It was so great!

The whole trip was so much fun...it was a blast!!

Flying high defying gravity...
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