Apr 24, 2002 22:32
hi kids. it's been awhile.
emotions are icky. for like 2 weeks straight, all i did was eat, sleep, go to school, come home and stare at the wall. i've been a fucking asshole to everyone... even eliena. god, and she still loves me. everything's okay now though. i got a new job, and with all the shitload of school work i have now (im behind in credits. gah) i dont really have time for anything anymore. it feels weird being on the computer again.
so umm. onto more pointless shit. mike left our band. on good terms though. we got a new guitar player (evan). he's hilarious and rad as plaid. we cover pop songs now. hah. tonight we were messing around and played that nah nah nah...i just cant get you outta my head song. it rocks now. i think we might put that on our demo. along with "falling away from me." i hate korn. but evan covers it so well, in a punk rock kinda way.
i have her back now. so life's better. being depressed sucks. i got alot of good lyrics out of it though. heh.