i know everything sucks yeah. and this will be the last time you hear me complain.

Mar 08, 2002 22:43

im listening to ska. it makes me happy. i fell off my board and hit a really really hard rock. oww my leg hurts. it's all bruised.

so im stuck at my cousin's house until monday or tuesday for reasons i'll explain later. im just gonna vent because i know no one reads this anyways. ugh my cousins live in the middle of NO WHERE. i have no one to hang out with now except my wanna-be skater/raver cousins. the "guest room" [where i currently am staying in] is right under rachel's room. rachel is a 12 year old nsync lover (and 3 of her hyper friends) who love turn up their music full blast. then there's noah. noah is 14. he LOVES techno music (not to mention huge ass pants which are about 5 sizes too big). his room is right beside rachel's. he too, loves to blast his music. so now we have two different music styles, colliding, and it sounds like it's in my room. he shares a room with his older brother, sean (16), who is even a bigger wanna be raver than he is. thank god he is gone. thank kid is so annoying. :/ thier parents are gone for night, so no matter how much i yell at them to turn it off, they wont. all i can do is put on head phones (which doesn't work...i can still hear that crappy music) and now my hears are starting to hurt. i need some ear plugs. i doubt i'll get any sleep tonight. and the reason i'm here? well, early this morning i was woken up with a phone call from my aunt informing me that my mom totally wrecked her car. she was admitted into the hospital around 10pm last night, along with her boyfriend tom, who was more damaged than she was. my mom's gonna make it (they're not sure about tom though). i visited her today... she looks terrible :(
im 17 years old, but my mom still thinks it's best i stay with my aunt and uncle and all their annoying children, until she gets realeased. im gonna end this now cuz sean wants to use the computer. blah. i pray i make it thru this weekend.
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