entry 12

Dec 03, 2006 15:38

not much has been going on lately just skating school working and hanging out, same old shit.

yesterday was saturday, work kinda sucked. everybody blanked cept me jason and shannon, we worked in Bowie. after work i stopped by fuddruckers again to see renee for a bit, she gave me some brownies that were fucking amazing. on friday i got new shoes, the éS sqaure ones, they are fucking insane i was skating them yesterday and i think they're my favorite skate shoe i've ever had. so me jason and sam were skating by sams house yesterday and went to this church with a 4 stair and a six stair, they were pretty nice. i kickflipped the four and ollied the 6. i think jason ollied the 6 and like 180'd the 4. after that we went to this rock gap in front of a dominoes and skated there for a bit. it was pretty fun, jason tre flipped it and i switch flipped it first try somehow. i swear to god i fucking love these shoes, my old ones turned to shit in like a week. unfortunately while i was skating dominoes i tried to heelflip the rock gap and rolled my ankle again, it hurts like a bitch to walk right now, skating is kind of out of the question.

friday we all just kinda cashed out checks sam and jason got the skatevideos theyve been wanting, i think it was get familiar and i forget the name of the other. and as i was saying i got new shoes. then we skated around for a bit and hung out. after that i came back home round 11ish and got online for a bit and then went over near renee's amd chiled for a lil until her mom told her she had to come in so she did, it was only like 20 minutes of hanging out so we talked on the phone once i got home, somehow from 12:00 until 4:30.

eww this kid sat at our lunch table friday that was fucking obnoxious and was possibly the biggest tool i had ever met. like whatg happened was he sat down and constantly for the whole 45 minute lunch period he yelled at everybody who walked by that he could possibly know. like somebody he knew would come out of the lunch line and he would yell something like "hey steven, fuck you!" or maybe "hey alice" just alternating the fucking names. the kid obviously thought it would impress us by showing us how many kids in our school he knew. wow you're cool, you somehow managed to remember peoples names that you see 10 months out of the year. we noticed the kid would do pracically anything for attention or to make people like him, so to fuck around with him we asked one of the kids at the asian table behind us how to say penis is japanese and said how funny it would be to say it to one of the teachers nearby cuz they would'nt know what it meant, cuz it sounded kinda cool, knowing he would undoubtedly do it. so he something retarded like "do you study the new kinda of karate called[japanese word]," thinking he wouldn't know what he was talking about, cuz he didnt have the guys class and jusr knew him from around school. we did so we knew that he lived in japan for 3 years, the teacher looked at him like he was retarded and explained that he lived in japan and to go sit in the office. i swear to god i had never laughed so hard in my life, the kid was fucking obnoxious tho.
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