TFLN challenge

Aug 05, 2010 03:00

I've had no inspiration lately, and even less since I had a life this past weekend and went somewhere (also going somewhere this weekend, so I predict zero inspiration after that trip).

I didn't have a lot of inspiration for my TFLN challenge to begin with, and when I got one, I had to make it ~complicated~ and convoluted by involving reality that I can't ignore, even for the sake of the fic.

To anyone who might be upset that I claimed a prompt and never finished the fic:

1) There wasn't a rule about not letting two people claim the same prompt. It was frowned upon, but certainly not disallowed.
2) I purposely waited until the last day before the challenge was closed, so that anyone else who wanted the prompt could take it, and no one did.

As of now, I'm not giving up on my TLFN (which has all of 274 words), but I'm putting it waaaay on the backburner until I can get more inspiration. Right now (and this opinion may change), I want to finish it because I think it's a great concept that has lots of potential, but I really can't write it without it sounding whiny and convoluted.

On a related note, I'm kind of annoyed that the most inspiration (which is not really a lot in the grand scheme of things) my muse has been giving me lately is for the Stéphane/Shizuka pairs fic, when I have another WIP I'm stuck on, and this TFLN fic. I refuse to start writing long Stéphzuka fic before finishing my other WIP.

And muse? I appreciate the random fluffy Plushy/Yag, but it was 1) really random, and 2) kind of not what I was looking for. But thanks, though.
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