oh, oh the mistletoe

Dec 22, 2007 19:04

I just got back from visiting my girlfriend in Lowell and I had a great time. We did our Christmas together and it was great, great, great. She got me a gameboy DS, a game, and she made this wonderful picture thing of us. I gave her a book, a pajama set, and a necklace. It's safe to say we were both more than happy with our gifts! Her mom even got me something, a nice American Eagle shirt and a DS game. I pretty much miss her already. Over my visit, we went and saw This Christmas. It was tight as hell. The perfect black Christmas movie. We also went to the most white trash party that I've ever been to. It was hilarious. Drunken hicks running around smashing empty forty bottles over their heads. Good stuff. I like vacation so far. It's been nice. I got my grades for the semester last Thursday, and I did pretty damn good. Two A's, a C, and one D. Raised my GPA and everything. The school situation is looking pretty good, let's hope next semester holds the same as this one, maybe even better. We rented some sweet moves over my visit too. The Wash, Hard Candy, Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, Lucky Number Slevin, Beerfest, and Party Monster. All were pretty sweet. We loves us some movies. Driving around over the last week has been hectic. People are crazy during Christmas, atleast the week coming to Christmas. Fucking last minute shoppers pissin' me off. Well I think I'm off to play me some Pokemon Pearl. See you bitches later.
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