So I'm now in Toronto, living with
morganxpage. Our dwelling-place is called The Nadir.
I've been thinking about the Aeons recently, and I have an idea of why so many Thelemites are such jerks. Whether or not the Aeons of Isis, Osiris and Horus represent historical epochs (which is certainly up for debate) they can also be seen as periods of personal
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I think peoples biggest issues with Thelema (and I mean thelemites, so called) is that they are to wrapped up in both Crowley and the book of the Law. I love Crowley, quite dearly, but when I talk about the fundamental concepts of the Law with people, I do not need to bring up either Crowley of Liber Al, because the Law is for everyone, and the goal is to understand it intrinsically so we don't have to turn it into a religion to be followed. It tenets and principles are simple, and easily brought up in any situation; yet so many Thelemite I know seem so enthralled by Crowley that they miss the point--- part of me thinks many of them have not given it much thought, or made it their own; that perhaps they feel inadequate to Crowley and would rather jut refer people to him rather than try to understand it and explain it themselves. It is quite a sad scenario, though not suprising. Most people like talking about things, and having some nice beliefs, in thing like True Will or the New Aeon, than actually go about fixing themselves and having a Will....
reminds me of a quote by Dr. H. "It is those without a will who need to tell you that they have one, and it is those without love who need to make it a law." Hopefully, we can properly educate ourselves and escape the trappings of thelema and do something with it rather than turn it all into another moral, religious or political platitude. Its true power lies in its ability to change, us and our world, if we understand its inward energy and not just its outward form of ink and paper.
The problems is that people often focus too much on the words written in the past that we deny ourselves the need to transform those words into actions suited for our present time, which shall bring us into our future. We would be nothing without what was discovered and brought into light from the prophets, sages and teachers of our past, now we need to take these things and challenge them- and change them accordingly- to fit the now and move forward.
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