Mar 08, 2008 23:06
looking up, seeing a swirling vortex of white nothingness, appropriately embodying how i feel. vainly trying to pierce that veil to see the starlit infinity beyond. what do i do if i see it? stare in awestruck wonderment or scream in futility that i'll never see or understand all of it?
why is it that change is feared so much? if i may offer my humble opinion, it's because it's hard to recognize that change is needed, let alone make the necessary change. i fear the things i don't understand, and these days it feels like i'm facing my fear more and more. to say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step is all well and good, but it's another matter entirely to find the courage to take that first step.
and if you can't explain it well to yourself, how can the people you care about, and who care about you, hope to understand? it's enough, i suppose, that since they are about you they will understand.
lacking challenge, lacking inspiration, lacking direction.....when a boundless imagination meets stagnation bad things happen. it's like breaking a wild animal. every now and then you catch glimpses of what it once was, of what it so desperately wishes it still was, but for the most part all you see is the brokeness, the pain in its eyes.
lack of change should be feared more than change. what is the status quo other than an endless rut of mind-numbing repetition? just gotta find that one thing that'll get me out of it and soaring into the stratosphere. soon.