Woo! I must loook 28!
Are you obsessed with comic books, anime, fantasy, or manga? Do you like to dress up as your favorite character and attend conventions with other fans? Have you ever waited in line overnight for a book, movie, or videogame release? Do you have tattoos depicting your favorite brand or characters? Have you ever missed work, school, or other important events to engage in role-playing or cosplay? Are you misunderstood by your family or significant other because of it? Have you ever been told to “grow up” by someone important to you? If you’re an obsessed fanboy (or girl), MTV wants to hear from you.
If you appear to be between the ages of 16 and 28 and identify with any of the above, MTV wants to hear your story. Email us at
fanboy@mtvn.com. Please be sure to include your name, location, phone number, and a recent photo.