Dec 24, 2003 02:42
so today i realized that i smile too much. i smile so much that it must either come off as totally fake or like a have a paralyzed muscle in my face maybe. some people don't smile that much, not because they're not nice but because they just don't. it's actually kind of nice because when they do smile it's like sunshine BUT if i'm talking to someone and they don't smile during the course of the whoel conversation i autmatically assume that they're not very nice because i think it's pretty damn impossible to stay serious the whole time you're talking to me. i don't know what the purpose of this was but the conclusion is that i'm going to have face wrinkles. i'm going to try to see how long i can go on without smiling.
i'm done with school!!! i did OOOKKKK i didn't get my goal of 3.7 i'm sure of it but hopefully it won't be under a 3.5. if it is i'll get discouraged for the next semester i'm sure of it. i should be out celebrating but i have to work in the morning AND tuesdays are awful.
I have the least christmas spirit ever. i don't ever really have holiday spirit but this year i have the least. that and i didn't get people presents. fuck me.