Been awhile

Apr 27, 2017 19:16

Its been a while almost a mos or more since I've last posted on here, Our weather has been goofy we've had some really cold evenings, and the days have either been cold, damp and dreary, or semi chilly in the am and then by mid after noon warmer, or just chilly and windy. I live in PA. the tentants in apt 4 they control the buildings thermostat go figure, they are always cold, and so they leave the heat on high and most of the time are gone all day till late evening or even till the next day. so we all suffer, even with the windows open we are hot. You can ask them to turn it off or down and they complain and they have the smallest apt in the building. Finally after the rest of us said something to the landlord they had to turn it off and keep it off.
Right now we are in the middle of a thunder storm and lightening is due before it;s all over, my cats don't like the louder thunder but seem ok with the lighter sounding ones. All 6 of the bigger cats and the two kittens are sleeping, we have 8 for the time being. The kittens have been here 2 wks, they see the vet tomorrow, will most likely be foster fails, both are siamese mix, blue eyes, the bigger one is a lilac point, with some tiger stripes you cant really see unless you look closely he acts just like a siamese. his brother is a flame point or red point, he is mostly white with the small amount of orange on his tail and ears, he has stripes on his tail and both have the crossed eyes. they are brothers and very devoted to each other. The sister who was all black with two white spots and a small white tipp on her tail long hair went o my sons house.
Lots has gone on around here, some good, some not so good, more good than bad, I had to delete a few people off of facebook and I deleted a lot of people out of my life, I found out who my real friends where. Dealing with a few family issues. and my mental health has been affected by all this. will elaborate on all this at another time.
Just wanted to let you all know I am still around, just have been so busy have forgotten to write. lol.
Talk to you all soon and hope everyone is well.
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