Sep 06, 2003 16:57
one word for beloit....ha
so eliza came and got me and we had a wonderful road trip. we got to their apartment and mannnnn is it sweet. the only werid things are the lounge, the toilet location. i mean...whats up with that huh?so it was oh so wonderful to see janna, liz, and espically sarah cause i hadn't seen her all summer. and whatta know joe and estban where there also, oh they love me so. so for some reason i was showered with wonderful hillarious presents and then of course boozin, lots of boozin. liz and sarah had to go to bed but me, eliza, and janna had a blast, or...BLATZ!?! heheh we went all over being loud and stuipd. lots of fun i'll say. i got to laugh at people, hang out with people, and then laugh some more at people. dana attacked janna and was being super creepy so again we got to laugh at people. there was much sign stealing as well. all and all a good night. it was so so SO werid being there though i have to say. i dunno i can't discribe it. the night next was met with pure, pure, PURE gold. we smoked with paul...HILLARIOUS. i wish a had a video camera with me to capture all of the wonderful moments. then i got to get up early on friday to get home to go work. its funny cause i was there for like....48 hours and in that short time it made my stomach hurt. what the hell is up with beloit that it does that to me? so then i went to work and pretty much it was me and matt sitting around not doing anything while i'll try to help him fix all of his girl problems. i'm getting ready for a chance of pace and i'm excited to start school. i'm acutally even looking foward to like..having homework. whats up with that? its like i'm a first grader waiting for her first homework assignment ever. me so tired. i'm getting so good at avoiding being home