(no subject)

Oct 24, 2005 13:12

ten years ago:
I was at Springwood Elementary. I hated it there, but I had alot of friends. I always wanted to walk to school since my house was right across the street, but my mom never would let me. Also, I was very involved in church.

five years ago:
I was at Griffin Middle School. I became friends with a variety of people and I began to realize who I really was. I lost a few of my close friends, but I also made alot more. My best friends at the time were Casey, Kendall, Shakreasha, and Christina.

one year ago:
I was taken out of Leon and moved to P.A.C.E. School For Girls, where I got really into drugs and partying. I was a huge junkie and I would do anything for pills. Surprisingly, I am still a virgin. Made alot of good friends once I moved to P.A.C.E. I hung out with Michael and Jon religiously. I went over to Chris' house every fuccing day, even if I didn't go to school. I got stoned every afternoon. Snd partied every weekend. I met Bethy and Erin. I became very close to Beth. (SHUTTHEFUCCUPAMANDA) I hung out with her more than anyone.

I slept after a wild weekend involving Creel, Brian, Jerimiah, Roxanne, Rat, Cracca Blacc, Ugly, Kaitlin, and alot of random people at a lame ass keg party. I went to see Flight Plan with my mom, and randomly ran into Brain and Jerimiah at the mall.

snacks i enjoy:

what would you do with 100 million dollars:
Give some to all kinds of charity, Give my mom some, Help out everyone I know who needs money, Go out and buy beer and ciggs for the homeless, Buy Amanda tons of Duster, Throw a mad party. Seriously. Only because I hate money though.

5 places i would run away to:
Cherry's house.
A park.
ummm I don't know, I'd become a carnie (even though I'm terrified of clowns).

5 things i would never wear:
Ugg boots (?)
um, I can't think of anything else at the moment.

5 bad habits:
Popping my knuccles
Biting my nails
Having to correct myself when I forget to say Jive
Saying, "Oh I hate this song." And then singing along
Cliccing bacc over to the other line when I get an incoming call on the phone

5 biggest joys:

5 favorite toys:
(haha those last two were for Lamontae!!!)

five people to tag:
I don't know, man. Anyone.
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