Oct 12, 2001 11:00
I'm so fucking sick of reading all the doomsday shit regarding Afghanistan. I can't stand the forwards and emails about nostradamus and all the bullshit wingding font crap. I'm also fed the hell up with the tales of how people's lives have changed since this happened. Call me insensitive but if you need to read on CNN about how this has changed our view of the world, you're fucked up. Its bloody obvious the world is in a state no one has ever seen and its not good. Can't we just stop talking about it for once? I can't even read the sex section of salon.com without having to hear about this, I mean jesus....
I want to go out and have a LOT OF FUN tonight, I mean a LOT of fun......not just a little but more fun than I've had in months. I want drugs, booze, good music, beautiful women (not girls), dancing, pool, everything. I need to party like a rock star while I still can since according the rest of the world there might not be that much time left to do this. I remember watching the discovery channel as a child and seeing a special on the cuban missle crisis and there was this guy talking about how he was just wandering downtown in florida or something and two girls came up to him, dragged him to a hotel room and had their way with him. And the reason? Because they thought the world was about to end and wanted to do something they'd never done. That's exactly the idea for this weekend, party like its the end of the world. And if its not, well I'll just be hung over on Monday like I always am. But to party like this I'll need company, and now begins the hunt for other rockstar partiers..........