
Dec 02, 2012 13:12

Sleep schedule fucked as usual. Mostly excitement for moving into the new place, still in Carroll county, unfortunately. Got a 2BR for me + Greg(One room for a workshop). They don't allow cats, so we have to sneak our pets in, but it's literally the only place within 2 hours of school we can afford outside of the ghettos. Fuck Maryland, shit is pricey. Went to the goodwill today, excellent pieces of solid furniture there.. plan to pick up a few tables this week and take the power sander to them and give them all a nice uniform stain and maybe a bartop finish. Justin offered me his couch, but it's pretty old and squishy so I'm going to grab one from the goodwill for $50 or something. Have to buy a few area rugs and photo frames to frame some artwork and the living room should be set? Everything else takes care of itself with what we have. I'm pretty terrible at interior decorating so hopefully it turns out okay. Will probably throw a housewarming party for anyone that feels like dropping by.

Signing the lease on the 10th, moving the bedroom on the 12th+13th, and I'm moving the workshop probably on the 14th+15th. Gonna probably have to replace the living room carpet because someone who wasn't me(for reals) spilled a ton of resin into it in a spot. So I can repair the carpet(but I don't think they have any left over scraps of this.. dingy.. gray.. colour, or just throw $200 at them to replace it. IDK. Maybe I'll repair it. It was pretty gross to begin with but I'll get it done. Moving the workshop is going to be a hassle- mostly the huge rolls of foam lingering in the attic. Gotta get all the shit I'm NOT going to keep and sell it really fast to get it out of my hair and give me some decorating money.

In other news, only 2 things left to do before my 'small projects' list is completely cleared out, make Ket's pants and Siberius's pawpads. I'll get them knocked out tonight, and start packing up everything else up. Still a few things need to be shipped out, shouldn't be a problem and will take care of all of that on monday. Still going to be a TON to move. Jesus. Going to try and finish up most of(if not all) Shadowkeeper before I leave, make him the last suit made in the house.

What else, hmm. I'll be making an IKEA run in the near future, obviously. Cheapest dishes on the planet that don't totally suck. I have a furnishing budget of $200 XD I could probably do the whole place with that from IKEA, lol. Just have to get a head check on how much large furniture I need, which will all likely come from goodwill. All the small stuff we'll be getting from IKEA.

On the plus side, the chickens get to stay here
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