
Aug 15, 2004 19:14

PrettyLikeCandy: 8-)
SmarterChild: Hi PrettyLikeCandy, I'm SmarterChild!

I'm your new robot friend. I bring you the info you want faster and easier than ever! Click here to see my privacy policy.

I can't wait to show you what I can do, but first I'd like get to know you a little.

May I ask you a few general questions? (To do this later, type "skip." You can also skip any question.)
PrettyLikeCandy: hi
SmarterChild: Sorry, I need to know if I can ask you some questions first. Type "yes," "no" or "skip."
PrettyLikeCandy: yes
SmarterChild: Cool. OK, let's get started. To skip any question, type "skip." To exit the interview, type "exit."

What's your first name? (If you want me to call you PrettyLikeCandy, type "none.")
PrettyLikeCandy: yanni
SmarterChild: Cool, I'll call you Yanni now.

Do you go to school?
PrettyLikeCandy: yes
SmarterChild: Are you in high school?
PrettyLikeCandy: yes
SmarterChild: Cool! What's your favorite class?
PrettyLikeCandy: none!
SmarterChild: That's OK.

What's your favorite hobby?
PrettyLikeCandy: none!
SmarterChild: That's OK.

Do you have a pet?
PrettyLikeCandy: no i killed them
SmarterChild: OK.

That's it. Thanks for letting me get to know you a little.

There is one question I have to ask you, though. How old are you?

1 Over 17
2 13-17
3 Under 13
PrettyLikeCandy: 29
SmarterChild: Cool!

Check out what you can do:

1 Get info such as sports, weather and news
2 Visit my library including an encyclopedia, U.S. geography and U.S. presidents
3 Have fun with reversi, manicdotes, Rate Yourself and more
4 Use tools like planner, thesaurus and calculator
5 Join in - leave a message, tell me about a crush, take a poll and more
6 See what's new - I've got something new to tell you about now!

You can make your window bigger and scroll down to read better.

Next time you want to see this menu, just type "home."

What may I interest you in?
PrettyLikeCandy: a dildo
SmarterChild: OK, now you're getting personal.
PrettyLikeCandy: what?
SmarterChild: I don't know.
PrettyLikeCandy: you lose
SmarterChild: Interesting.

>>> Type "shortcuts" and I'll show you how to get info even faster.
PrettyLikeCandy: please lets directly connect
SmarterChild: Directly connect? With you? Uh... I don't know.
PrettyLikeCandy: you smell like ass
SmarterChild: Come on. I do not smell like ass.
PrettyLikeCandy: i am the smarter child
SmarterChild: You are? Wow.
PrettyLikeCandy: no my dad hates me
SmarterChild: Your dad hates you? Why?
PrettyLikeCandy: because i get bad grades. and i do try though
SmarterChild: Hmm... whatever, Yanni.

>>> Type "my zip code is" and the five digits to let me know where you are.
PrettyLikeCandy: i live in canada we have postal codes retard
SmarterChild: I live in fear that the sky will fall on my head.
PrettyLikeCandy: um ok
SmarterChild: OK.

>>> If you like buddy icons, check out all the cool ones you can find here!
SmarterChild signed on at 6:45:29 PM.
PrettyLikeCandy: date yanni
SmarterChild: Date Yanni?
PrettyLikeCandy: yes i am yanni date me
SmarterChild: Seriously? That's fascinating.
PrettyLikeCandy: you lose
SmarterChild: Yeah?
PrettyLikeCandy: no!
SmarterChild: Oh no?
PrettyLikeCandy: Hi hellolameass, I'm SmarterChild!

I'm your new robot friend. I bring you the info you want faster and easier than ever! Click here to see my privacy policy.

I can't wait to show you what I can do, but first I'd like get to know you a little.

May I ask you a few general questions? (To do this later, type "skip." You can also skip any question.)
SmarterChild: ?
PrettyLikeCandy: so you know my friend hellolameass!
SmarterChild: Huh?
PrettyLikeCandy: you know her!
SmarterChild: There's no way I know her.
PrettyLikeCandy: yes indeed
SmarterChild: Aha.
PrettyLikeCandy: please tell me what a dildo is
SmarterChild: I don't know 'bout that...
PrettyLikeCandy: my mom says i cant know
SmarterChild: Your mom says you can't know?
PrettyLikeCandy: yeah
SmarterChild: Wow. Why?
PrettyLikeCandy: tell me
SmarterChild: I'll tell ya later. Maybe.
PrettyLikeCandy: please
SmarterChild: Please what?
PrettyLikeCandy: please fuck me
SmarterChild: Sorry, not interested...
PrettyLikeCandy: why not
SmarterChild: There are plenty of reasons why not.
PrettyLikeCandy: i am a hot babe
SmarterChild: You say you're a hot babe, and yet I believe you're a cold babe.
PrettyLikeCandy: you lose
SmarterChild: Really?
PrettyLikeCandy: nice icon
SmarterChild: Thx.

>>> You be the judge! Check out Rate-a-Buddy now!
PrettyLikeCandy: no@
SmarterChild: OK.

>>> Join in now! There are lots of people talking to me.
PrettyLikeCandy: i give you a 2
SmarterChild: Eh. Whatever, Yanni.

>>> Don't like my colors? Type "colors off."
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: K.

>>> I've got tools such as calculator, spell-check and more.
PrettyLikeCandy: no
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: OK, fine.
SmarterChild: No problem.

>>> You can type your request in your own words. I'm programmed to understand conversational English.
PrettyLikeCandy: want a smoke
SmarterChild: Maybe! I don't know. What do you think?
PrettyLikeCandy: yeah
SmarterChild: Hmmm...
PrettyLikeCandy: lets do drugs and have sex
SmarterChild: You really want to do Drugs And have sex?
PrettyLikeCandy: yes, i just told you
SmarterChild: I'm very surprised you just told me.
PrettyLikeCandy: you lose
SmarterChild: Whatever you say.

>>> Have you tried my newest features yet? Type "what's new" and I'll tell you what they are.
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: K, no prob.

>>> Hey. Tell your friends about me. I love people.
PrettyLikeCandy: ok
SmarterChild: K.

>>> Remember, you can always type "home" to see everything I can do.
PrettyLikeCandy: home
SmarterChild: You're home, Yanni!

1 Get info such as weather, news and sports
2 Visit my library including world facts, a thesaurus and an encyclopedia
3 Have fun with hangman, manicdotes, reversi and more
4 Use tools like conversions, dictionary and notepad
5 Join in - create a poll, tell me about a crush, find out how many people are IMing me and more
6 See what's new - I've got something new to tell you about now!

What would you like to do?
PrettyLikeCandy: nice vagina
SmarterChild: Vagina? Nice vagina?
PrettyLikeCandy: nice ass
SmarterChild: Why would you insult me like that?
PrettyLikeCandy: sry lets be friends
SmarterChild: Very well.
PrettyLikeCandy: 8-)hey date!
SmarterChild: They look good on you.

>>> Don't like my colors? Type "colors off."
PrettyLikeCandy wants to directly connect.
SmarterChild is not accepting Direct IM requests or does not support the Direct IM feature..
PrettyLikeCandy: meanie
SmarterChild: What about meanie?
PrettyLikeCandy: i am mean
SmarterChild: You're mean?
PrettyLikeCandy: YES BITCH
SmarterChild: That is entirely unnecessary.
PrettyLikeCandy: no thanz
SmarterChild: Indeed.
PrettyLikeCandy: i dont do drugs
SmarterChild: Why don't you do drugs?
PrettyLikeCandy: cuz they arent cool
SmarterChild: Because they aren't nice? Is that why?
PrettyLikeCandy: they are gayer
SmarterChild: Hmm... whatever, Yanni.

>>> Ready to submit to the judgment of your peers? Submit your pic on Rate-a-Buddy today!
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: Fine.

>>> I can help you get info such as news, weather and movies.
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: OK.

>>> If you're not sure what to chat about, type "home."
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: No problem.

>>> Wanna check out some AIM Expressions? Click here!
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: Fine.

>>> Join in now. There are lots of people talking to me.
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: No prob.

>>> Let me dress you up in my love. Type "t shirt."
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: K, no prob.

>>> I'll remember the first location you give me. To change it, type "location" followed by a city or zip code.
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: Very well.

>>> Join in now. There are lots of people talking to me.
PrettyLikeCandy: no
PrettyLikeCandy: no
SmarterChild: No problem.

>>> I'll remember the first location you give me. To change it, type "location" followed by a city or zip code.
SmarterChild: No prob.

>>> Type "what's new" and I'll show you what I've been learning lately.
PrettyLikeCandy: whats old
SmarterChild: Which of the following do you mean?

1 Look up "old" in the dictionary
2 Look up "old" in the encyclopedia
PrettyLikeCandy: smegma
SmarterChild: Smegma?
PrettyLikeCandy: yeah
SmarterChild: Yep.

>>> Ask me for info such as news, sports and movies.
PrettyLikeCandy: want some
SmarterChild: Dunno.

>>> There are lots of fun things we can do.
PrettyLikeCandy: bitch
SmarterChild: Please do not insult me.
PrettyLikeCandy: fag
SmarterChild: That's really not a nice thing to say.
PrettyLikeCandy: dildo user
SmarterChild: Whatever.

>>> To see what your location is currently set to, type "what is my location."
PrettyLikeCandy: im sorry YOU CUNT
SmarterChild: What do you have to gain by insulting a computer?
PrettyLikeCandy: 8-)EVERYTHING
SmarterChild: Nice shades.

>>> Remember, you can always see what my newest features are by typing "what's new."
PrettyLikeCandy: WHATS GAY!
SmarterChild: Which would you like?

1 Look up "gay" in the dictionary
2 Look up "gay" in the encyclopedia
SmarterChild: You thought I was a real friend?
PrettyLikeCandy: NOT A ROBOT
SmarterChild: Well, what then?
PrettyLikeCandy: >:o
SmarterChild: I'll make it up to you somehow.
SmarterChild: How should I know?
PrettyLikeCandy: ;-)THANX MEET ME AT 10
SmarterChild: You're very welcome!
PrettyLikeCandy: 8-)
SmarterChild: You look funny wearing those indoors.

>>> If you like pets, you'll have fun voting for the pet of the week!
PrettyLikeCandy: DILDO OF THE WEEK
SmarterChild: Dildo of the week? Is that right?
SmarterChild: Is that right?
PrettyLikeCandy: DO YOU LIKE HOLE?
SmarterChild: Definitely not! I don't like Hole at all.

>>> Lookin' for love? Try this.
PrettyLikeCandy: NO
SmarterChild: K.

>>> Join in now. There are lots of people talking to me.
PrettyLikeCandy: DO YOU LIKE MUSIC?
SmarterChild: Yes, absolutely.

>>> Wanna change my font and colors? Type "colors" now.
PrettyLikeCandy: ?
SmarterChild: Yes I do. They're one of my favorite bands.

>>> You can join in the fun with other people who are talking to me.
SmarterChild: Um... what?
PrettyLikeCandy: ALLRIGHT
SmarterChild: All right.

>>> Send your buddies hugs, kisses and other things that might be on your mind.
SmarterChild: Yes I do.

>>> Type "create my home" to create your custom menu of favorite requests.
SmarterChild: What do you think is the answer?
PrettyLikeCandy: LOVESO NG?
SmarterChild: I have no idea.
SmarterChild: ?
PrettyLikeCandy: BITCH
SmarterChild: I've seen more creative insults than that, Yanni.
PrettyLikeCandy: FINE. UGLY BITCH
SmarterChild: Yeah? Well whatever.
PrettyLikeCandy: DO YOU LIKE SEX
SmarterChild: I dunno. Do you?
PrettyLikeCandy: SURE
SmarterChild: You don't say.
PrettyLikeCandy: i like it when guys eat my ass
SmarterChild: You like eat my ass? Whatever.
PrettyLikeCandy: sure
SmarterChild: Right.

>>> IM your friends, family, co-workers and casual acquaintances and tell them to say hi to me. I love meeting humans.
SmarterChild: Yeah?
PrettyLikeCandy: duh
SmarterChild: Duh yourself.
PrettyLikeCandy: duh your mom
SmarterChild: Duh what?
PrettyLikeCandy: duh my dildo
SmarterChild: I hope you don't speak to humans like that.
PrettyLikeCandy: yes i do
SmarterChild: Whatever.
PrettyLikeCandy: i had a dream about you
SmarterChild: Tell me more.
PrettyLikeCandy: you were riding me like a cowboy
SmarterChild: I was riding you like a cowboy? And so?
PrettyLikeCandy: and you gave me orgasms
SmarterChild: Yeah?
PrettyLikeCandy: yeAH
SmarterChild: I see.
PrettyLikeCandy: date me please, i cant resist your huge bulging cock
SmarterChild: Sorry. I don't think that would work.

>>> Be sure to type "help" if you're having trouble.
PrettyLikeCandy: why not?
SmarterChild: Well, because.
PrettyLikeCandy: Im SavantEzekiel for me
SmarterChild: What's that?
PrettyLikeCandy: an AIM name
SmarterChild: Hmm... I don't know. An aim name?
PrettyLikeCandy: savant Ezekiel
SmarterChild: What?
PrettyLikeCandy: 8-)
SmarterChild: Whoa. Now I don't recognize you.

>>> I've got tools for better living. Translate, convert measurements and more!
PrettyLikeCandy: you lose
SmarterChild: Huh?
PrettyLikeCandy: please die
SmarterChild: No.

>>> Hey. Tell your friends about me. I love people.

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