Sep 05, 2005 22:05
Well friends, I wouldn't call this the most glorious birthday ever. I want my damn MP3 player, but I got a WOU from my parents (we owe you).
No joke.
I also got a Dean brand Banjo from my grandpa.
No joke.
So yeah, I'm going to start learning bluegrass. Fo rizzle. Ironic that I read a red neck quiz on another journal.
Lets see here...Oh yeah! One of my favorite bands period just betrayed me. They went from original, well written and composed to a used/mcr knock off. I understand that its all taste and I'm not saying that Used/MSC is bad, AI don't like them, but thats me. Still, why make another clone? and why the hell is it my
30 Seconds to Mars.
They're actually on the top selling lists for albums right now. I was wondering why the sudden interest in indie, then I bought the cd.
So here's my hypothesis: Phase one: Creative - makes good music, puts thought and originality in Phase two: Learns that creativity doesn't generally sell well Phase three: rally the masses of followers into a regurgitation of other popular stuff Phase four: back to original sound with followers still following.
I can dream right?
But it still is an okay cd, pick it up, seriously. I'd perfer ya'll invest in the original. But a Beautiful lie is a great song.