Stolen from
Ten Years Ago:
How old were you?: 13
What school year were you in?: 8th grade
Where did you go to school?: Ridgeview middle school
Where did you work? Nowhere
Where did u live?: Columbus, Ohio
Where did you hang out?: At the park or friends houses
What was your hair style?:I think a red or brown color, and to my shoulders
Did you wear braces?: never
Did you wear glasses?: only to see far away
Who was your best friend?: Stephanie and michelle
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend: didnt really have one
Who was your celebrity crush? i think brad pitt
How many piercings did you have? just my lobes
How many tattoos did you have?: none
What was your favorite band? Oldies station baby
What was your biggest fear? cant remember
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? A year later
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: Again, a year later
Had you driven yet?: my aunts car in a parking lot
How old were you?: 18
What school year were you in?: just graduated HS
Where did you go to school?: Centennial HS
Where did you work? Manhattans
Where did u live?: Columbus, OH
Where did you hang out?: My apartment and work
What was your hair style?: short brownish red
Did you wear braces?: no
Did you wear glasses?: Again, to see far away
Who was your best friend?: Stephanie, and then michelle, but she was starting to drift away.
Who was your boyfriend/girlfriend: Josh
Who was your celebrity crush? Marilyn Manson
How many piercings did you have? 1 in each ear, and both nipples
How many tattoos did you have?: two on my back
What was your favorite band? Linkin Park and Manson
What was your biggest fear? Having a heart attack from all the speed
Had you smoked a cigarette yet? Every day
Had you gotten drunk or high yet?: Too many times, its sad.
Had you driven yet?: yes
How old are you?: 23
What school year are you in? almost done with MA school, then moving on to nursing.
Where do you go to school?: Bryman
Where do you Work now? Sirens
Where do u live?: Columbus, Ohio
Where do you hang out?: My house with the baby.
How is your hair style? Lil past my shoulders, close to my natural brown
Do you wear glasses?: To see far and drive
Who is your best friend? Josh and Tom
Who is your celebrity crush? Rose McGowan
Who is your regular-person crush?: Tom
How many piercings do you have?: 1 in each ear and my lip
How many tattoos do you have? 4
Favorite band(s)? manson, linkin park
Have you driven yet? not for the past 5 months, one more month to go and i get to drive again!!!!!
Have you smoked a cigarette yet?: Only when I drink, which oddly enough is not very often anymore.
Have you gotten drunk or high yet?: No more drugs for the girl in a long while. I drink about once or twice a month.