Jun 09, 2006 17:11
i am dreading work tommarow, but shit, i always am. i would LOVE to find a job i at least sort of liked. i have got to start taking more pictures again, and seeing about selling them downtown to all the tourists this summer. i think you can as long as you have some sort of permit...i hope so. that would be fun.
my photography has kind of been on the back burner with all the other stuff going on. after bonnaroo(and even at:)) i will take pictures like i used to and more!!:)
today has been nice. it was my day off, so me and mike walked downtown, and he made a yummy lunch for us. after i get offline, i get to go shop for bonnaroo stuff that i need.:) thats gonna be fun, but i am trying to wait for the traffic to die out a bit, right at 5, it would take a half hour to get there. i have patience, but when i feel like just waiting, i try to.:)
i saw a very good anime last night called Voices of a Distant Star. i liked it. i am not so big on anime...but i havent seen tons ether. and not really any like that. it was pretty, but sad.
we have been watching alot of space ghost coast to coast lately. its funny.:) i love beck on there!
i am looking foward to bridget coming for the night before bonnaroo too! we are going to watch Rent! i havent watched it in awhile.:)
well, i think i am going to get dressed and head on.
love and love.:)