got up... didn't see anyone up at home? went to school, holy cold. way to be late marybeth.
got to school. went to period one. did some gay questions from the text which salvo and i "did together" also got accused of likeing SOMEONE named marybeth like always. 3rd day in a row. told him off today.
period 2. history. not paticullary interesting. my usual saying jokes. wrote a note. got homework i should do...
period 3. business. scary. mr pells. actually asked him a few question... had to have him touch me...
period 4. english. continued dumb romeo and julie movie. jesse showed me the picutres he developed. nice job. mines tomarrow! lots of juliet's boobs in the movie. funny.
lunch. had no lunch. went into gym to watch the intermerial game i should be playing in... way to lose team.
period 5. drama. gay. worked on stupid poster thing. only not really. told off horny grade nine gawking and complaining over models in magazines.
period 6. science. every other science class was in the library but us. did a dumb sheet on victor the vector. turns out he gets long expands gets pointy wiggles, etc. sounds familiar.
teacher was like. well... has anyone seen finding nemo? lots of "yes! yes. YES!"
"anyone remember how it ends?" *someone starts at it* i'm like AHHH DON'T TELL ME I HAVEN'T SEEN IT YET!! *everyone laughs* and i have my ears plugged for a good 10 minutes. until deanna signaled to me it was safe to unplug.
period 7. gym. jesse and i kicked some more ass in badminton. cept one game.
period 8. WORK PERIOD.
TONSSS of work done.
afterschool. fetched chris from CCH. went to 7/11.
snuk food and slushies on balcony to watch the v-ball game.
100 tuff points for marybest.
made mexican jokes etc...
walked home. jesse finally smashed that "cokecain" on that giant ball of snow chris hucked in the air.
now i'm here?
-the end-