(no subject)

Apr 05, 2005 16:03

yesterday i bought a Reagan Youth patch from sound idea that di-piced a person in a KKK uniform holding a guitar and an american flag. now this patch is meant to be ironic, bc anyone who knows anything about punk rock knows that the bands are anti-KKK because of what the KKK stands for. so my mom says shes not going to let me put it on anything bc ppl wont get the irony, i told her screw ppl, its not my fault there ignorant, and i really dont care what they think of me anyways, im not here to impress anyone. then i went on with my rant, saying how the human race is just dumb and it will ultimately lead the everyones deaths. she said she was getting tired of my negative outlooks on life, i just said if no one looks at the bad then everyone will just remain behind there blindfolds and follow the person in front of them to there death. then she told me i was a hypocrite bc i always get mad when ppl judge me, but i go around judging everyone and throwing them into categories as well(example- saying the whole human race is dumb). i told her i only judge those who judge me first. so she just starting going on with more shit how im a hypocrite so i finally just said, i guess i am just a damn hypocrite then, and walked out of the room, so yeah.

just thought that was dumb as hell, its a fuckin patch for gods sake
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