Mar 27, 2005 20:01
this was originally a post i put in a friends LJ about Easter, but i just wanted to post what i wrote here on mine, enjoy.......
i agree with how christians believe there the only right one and they believe everyone else is going to "hell." for instance, the muslims think mohamid was a real man (or "god") that walked the earth, just as the christians beleive in jesus. everyone religion thinks there way is the right way and everyone else is wrong. Now i try not to bash religion bc i respect the hope and help it gives some people. but all religion is is a placebo (for those of you out there who dont know what that is, a placebo is a pill, typically made of sugar, that a doctor gives to a person who thinks they are sick, when they really arent, but by believing that pill is helping them, they get "better") and religion works in the way of a placebo by giving "sick" people something to cling to and something to believe in, which i can respect it for bc i personally know ppl in which religion has saved them
i also have a certain respect for religious people, bc they can sometime be very good people. But, it is the overly religious zealots that piss me off. the ones who press there religion on others, especially those who do not want it. the people i am talking about are the ones that will get in your face and say things such as "your not following Jesus Christ, and if you keep living in your sinning ways, then your going to hell!" now i understand thats what some people believe, and they can believe that, but that doesnt mean thats what I believe and that mean i want to hear them telling me of my "terrible ways."
ill end my rant for now with this one final thought, religion and music are very similar. everyone has there own opinion over what music is better (examples- punk, metal, ska, country, rap, etc.), weither they decide on what music they like, or learn from there parents, people always think there type of music is better than someone elses. but all bc YOU believe your music is better than someones elses, it doesnt mean it is. this applies to religion, no matter what your opinion on religion is, your no righter than anyone else.
and this my friends concludes my rant for the week, tune in next time where ill give you step by step instruction on how to get away with murder!