
Apr 22, 2007 14:35

The weight of this sad time we must obey,
Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say. (Lear V. iii. 388-9)

1. What is the last alcoholic beverage you drank?
The port Claire and I thoroughly enjoyed last week

2. Do you follow college football?
I don't

3. How many miles does your car have on it?
no car. oh well.

4. Who was the last person to send you a text message and what was it about?
Kesha and to sum it up "have you died yet ?"

5. Last time you went swimming in a pool?
Uh maybe a month ago? Then my membership expired:(

6. Are you happy?
I'd like to say yes, but I'm pretty pessimistic right now.

7. Where was the last place you went shopping?
Does my work count? I bought groceries yesterday.

8. How do you feel about your hair?
it's kinda scraggly, and flat, and oddly cut, and boring. It's a nice colour though.

10. Last thing you said?
"Whatcha doing?" to Thor, sprawled out in the sun

11. Do you wish you were someplace else right now?
Right now no. I'm content on my porch in the sun. But I'd like this porch in the sun to be not in Ottawa.

12. Last time you drank alcohol?
Last weekend

13. Do you have any expensive jewelry?
I have some heirlooms that i'm sure are incredibly expensive. A couple of other non-heirloom but probably expensive items...and then my usual "bought at VV" or some other rando thrift-store.

14. AIM or MSN?

15. What classes are you taking?
ComTech, world issues (which is turning out to be centered around economics, not actually any other issues.), and Studies in Literature

16. How many hours on average do you work a week?
12 to 16

17. What is your favorite brand of makeup?
i wouldnt know

18. Favorite NFL team?
i dont care

19. Do you watch the Olympics?
Not really.

20. Last bar you went to?
Some rando one by Le Bop in Hull

21. Who was the last person to call you?

22. What's your sign?

23. Do you have a favorite number?
nope..i like even numbers more than odd though

24. Last time you did volunteer work or made any donation?
i donated to easter seals. woot.

25. When did you wake up?

26. Where does most of your family live?
immediate family in Ontario PEI and New Brunswick. The rest live in England and Scotland, oh wait..and Manitoba.
27. Are you an only child or do you have siblings?
Well you see, I have two kinda half-siblings cause our parents are technically married, I also have 7 fish, two frogs, a snake, and a newt, 6 cats and 3 dogs; all with various death days. And currently I have a cat, two dogs and a half-dog.

28. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
I do

29. Ever been called a bitch?
I'm sure i have

30. Guilty pleasures?
Can anyone say Timbaland? Oh, and shopping.

31. Do you drink beer?
i do i do

32. Have you ever experienced true love?
i have i have

33. Did you ever collect Beanie Babies?
i didnt consider it a collection..but i had over 30

34. Ever ordered anything online?

35. Myspace or Facebook?
Facebook is the new Myspace.

36. Do you have T-Mobile?

37. What was your favorite subject?
Comtech. Straight up.

38. Where have all the cowboys gone?
I'm pretty sure I am a Cowboy

39. Do you usually fall for the BAD guy/girl?
Not really no

40. Were you an outcast in high school?
no particularly

41. Last time you saw your parents?
thursday night

42. Do you have any talents?

43. Ever been to a wedding?

44. Do you have any children?

45. Last movie you watched?
A street car named desire!
46. Last song you sang?
Sleep don't weep - damien rice
47. Did you take a nap today?
i slept off an on between the hours of 9 and 11
48. What was your high school's mascot?
i don't think so? A Lord? What a lame mascot!

49. Ever been on a cruise?

50. Favorite vacation spot?

51. How many pets do you have?
see above

52. Do you have any wealthy friends?
i do

53. Ever met anyone really famous before?
uhmm..I've met former environment minister Rona Ambrose..

54. Favorite actress / actor?
MmmM Marlon....

55. Who do you talk to all the time?
my animals

56. Are you multi-tasking right now?

57. Could you handle being in the military?
definitely not

58. Are you hungry or thirsty?
I just ate and I'm not thirsty

59. Favorite fast food restaurant?
What was that place in Montreal? Quatro D or soemthing along those lines.

60. When was the last time you were there?
When we went to see the Shins over march break

61. Are you gonna go?
Probably not for a little while

62. Do you own a camera phone?

63. Ever take a sobriety test?

64. Do you believe in Karma?

65. Can you speak any other languages?

67. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
I have 4 or 5 that i like to wear regularly...that doesn't count the ones in my closet. I just don't wanna talk about it.
68. Do you have a photo hosting site that you use?
I use PhotoBucket.

69. Last place you drove your car?
haha last time i drove was the end of January. I don't wanna talk about that either.

70. What is your college university mascot?
i wouldnt know.
71. Do you like college university?
n / a

72. Nicest hotel you ever stayed in?
When we were bumped to a 5 star hotel somewhere in Sicily...I don't remember the place or the hotel name but OMGZ it was the most amazing thing ever.

73. Have you ever bought condoms?
not really, no.

74. How much money did you make today?
none..i made some yesterday though! 8 hours worth of money!

75. What are you gonna do with the money?
Oh you know..crack, heroine, the usual.

..probably buy groceries.

76. Have you ever been gambling?

77. How old are your parents?
my dad would be 58 and my mom's turning 49.

78. When is the last time you updated your blog?
i dont know

79. Do you have your wisdom teeth?
yep, but they'll probably have to come out before i move to montreal

80. Best lip gloss?
Burt's Bees all the way..or Alba organics.

82. Favorite sit down restaurant?
the works.

83. Ever been to Disneyland?
Whatever one's in Florida, I've been to it

84. Favorite cartoon character?
the road runenr

85. Last thing you cooked?
stir fry

86. How is the weather today?
So nice.

87. Do you e-mail?

89. Favorite store?
i don't really have a favourite

90. Purses, Shoes, or Sunglasses?

91. Last voicemail you received?
from mother

92. Do you drunk dial?
if i can avoid it, no.

93. Stupidest thing you ever did with your cell phone?
left it in Marks couch

94. What is the best city in the state province that you live in?
Oh i dunno, I think Thunder Bay wins.....
95. Favorite band?

96. Last time you were sick?
like cold sick? Last week.

98. Last concert you attended?
the shins

99. Do you watch reality tv?
no. You dont have much choice when you dont have cable.

100. What are your plans for tomorrow?
Go to school, fail a couple of tests, go to work...
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