cause it always rains on good friday

Jan 30, 2007 09:24

It's so early and I have absolutely nothing to do. Trying to sleep last night was ridiculous. Such a buzz kill. But having to be home was way more of a buzz kill than that. Oh well. For a night that was never supposed to happen it was so much fun.

Candice and I were working together last night and she invited me to Tommy's. Being fairly sick and all I wasn't sure if I wanted to go or not. But I went..and it was the best decision of my life. I finally met Tommy! I hear so much about this guy and yet only met him last night. Surprisingly Jesse and Ryan were there too and it made me so happy haha.

I'm getting my hair cut today and I'm terrified. I have a feeling it's going to turn out looking hideous. Wish me luck.

I still haven't gotten my camera, cause my mother's stupid. But that's ok! Cause I got so pissed off that she's making it better and life will be complete within the next couple of weeks. Yay!

We had the best Otesha presentation on Saturday for the Millenium Scholarship conference or something like that. Anyways it's a whole bunch of smart university kids who were really intimidating at first but turned out to be the nicest people ever. They kept asking us all to apply for the scholarship and whatnot and Jess sent me an email that she got from someone at the conference who said she was brought to tears. Finally I remember how Otesha used to make me feel.

Oh, plus there was the most attractive boy ever. I'm pretty sure we were all in love with him, but whatever, he was just my height hahaha. He was French so maybe he lives in Montreal and I'll run into him and we'll get married. The End.

We have another presentation tonight for parents and bike tour members and such. This one shall be good, but I don't think anything will ever top Saturday.

I'm so upset that second semester is starting. I'm really gonna miss my second period spare and everyone involved in my second period spare. Hopefully my spare this semester will be just as good. But I dunno, I mean, no Dunn's breakfast? What will I do with myself?! I have pretty sick courses this semester anyways...they'll go by fast and then it'll all be over. Unless of course I failed English. But lets not talk about that.

Well, I'm pretty sure I still smell like cigarettes, so I'ma go shower. Partayy.

Endeavour to be what you want others to think you are.
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