Dec 25, 2005 22:38
1. Your Name?
2. Age?
3. Who am i to you?
4. My full Name?
5. The color of my room?
6. My best physical feature?
6. Something you wish you could change about me?
7. One word to describe me?
8. Sentence?
9. How long have we known eachother?
10. How important is our friendship to you?
11. How would you feel if i died tommorrow?
12. Whats one last thing you would say to me if i was to die 5 minutes from now?
13. During our friendship has anything happened that you regret?
14. If there was a show made about me..what would it be called?
15. When people see us together, what do you think they're thinking?
16. If i asked you to kill me to save you love me enough to do it?
17. If you had one hope for our friendship, what would it be?
18. Have we ever hooked up?
19. Tounge?
20. Would you do it again?
21. If you did, was it weird hanging out with me after, did anything change?
22. Could you tell me anything?
23. Can i tell you anything?
24. Do I know everything about you?
25. Do you think you know everything about me?
26. When were older and have children, whats one thing you will remember to tell them about me?
27. Do i drink?
28. Do i smoke?
29. Have we drank together?
30. Smoked?
31. Whats one good unphysical quality about me?
32. Honestly am i pretty?
33. Ugly?
34. Funny?
35. Annoying?
36. Name one thing that i say/do a lot?
37. If we were to spend one day together name everything we would do?
38. On a scale from 1-10 how much do you love me?
39. If someone was talking bad about me, would you stand up and defend me?
40. If someone passed in my family can i count on you to be the first person i call to comfort me?
41. Best memory together?
42. Worst?
43. Stupidest thing weve ever done?
44. Smartest?
45. Tell me one thing you want me to remember right now :)