Dec 21, 2005 23:31
Did you:
1. go to a party?: yeaaah boyee!
2. try something new?: yeeaaah boyee!!!
3. have someone change your life?: Jesus
4. kiss someone?: yeeaaah boyee!!!
5. tell your family and friends you love them?: yeeaaah boyee!!!
6. buy something extravagant?: yeeaaah boyee!!! my car lol
7. had someone else do something nice for you?: yeeaaah boyee!!!
8. do something terribly wrong?: yeeaaah boyee!!! =\
9. move?: nooo boyee!
10. go to a concert?: pft YEAH BOYYEEEEE
best of the year:
1. party: Columbus Day, Prom
2. show: Reel Big Fish, Zolof, El Pus
3. cd: Reel Big Fish - We're Not Happy Till You're Not Happy
4. movie: The PSA on my LJ
5. song: That one thats like SKEET SKEET MOTHAFUCKA
6. experience: both Reel Big Fish shows with Jake becuase we sing and its so much fucking fun, any time with Las Papas Fritas
7. purchase: the car, my college down payment, fritos
8. book: Jacob Greene probably
9. month: August
10. day: Oh man, too many great days, I love life, i really do....
worst of the year:
1. party: Ughhhhh hahahahaha no worries
2. show: Hahaha spikefest was kinda lame cuz I hadda sell juiceboxes
3. cd: I love music!
4. movie: Ughhhhh that fuckin one I saw with lacina beth n keith and me and lacina had too much fun fooling around hahahaha oh man good times
5. song: my humps was so bad that it was wonderful!
6. experience: ugh Mono
8. book: ugh metamorphasis sucked
9. month: July
10. Day: dont wanna talk about it!
hopes for 2006:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2006?: I WILL PEE MY PANTS! that happens alot
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: the troops come home
3. what do you hope for yourself?: I hope do well at college and have an awesome summer and pass gym and economics!
4. what do you hope for your family?: I hope we become a real live family and chill the fuck out!
5. what do you hope for your best friend(s)?: I want lacina to go to cornell and beth to figure out whats goin on with herself!
during 2005:
1. where were you when it began?: Wow...where was I? Judiths house in the hangout watching Mean Girls
2. did you stay up?: yes
3. what was your new year wish?: I dont rememeber....
4. how many boyfriends/girlfriends?: I got dumped new years eve
5. broke up?: See above
6. have any crushes?: did.
7. care to mention names?: I dont rememebr hahahahaha
8. new friends?: yes!
9. had to say goodbye?: yeah
10. missed anyone?: yea
11. win anything?: Oh man I am a winner, im like violet bouregard!
12. best place you went to?: Hershey Park, DC, Um LOTS OF PLACES! Lacinas House lol Merrick
13. worst place you went to?: School
14. happiest moment?: rather not say
15. how was your birthday?: a w e s o m e! beth steph and lacina threw me a suprise party and baked me the best fuckin cake ever...the thing was like a giant black sponge rofl oh man i fucking love them
16. best present?: see above
january: I don't remember.....
february: WINTER SKA JAM!
march: I dont know
april: hahah seeing Eight Bit Brendan and 7th Sign and the party after
may: I dont remember
august: Mad shows! spider nick! the filberts! good times!
september: first month of senior year. college crap/.... dave....jay...ech! confusing crazy times
october: HALOWEEEN, going up to Newpaltz, sketchy white trash on the greyhound bus!
november: the worst thanksgiving ever hahahahaha
december: Oh man good times I guess! Nothin bad =)