So. With exception to Monday and Sunday, I haven't been smoking in the daytimes. And ONLY when I've been drinking (it's SO difficult) or spliffs (obviously) and I feel a lot better for it.
On Friday Night, I went to the Adequate Birthday Bash with Rosie
skalett and we had a sleepover, and SHE WAS DRINKING CIDER (she's more the Jagged Edge type now, Uni has spoiled her) and I had to be incredibly rude and ask people I didn't know for ciggers, how embarrassing. With it, I had to tell my story of not smoking much to explain my rudeness. Gutted.
In the toilet queue I felt a little desperate for a cigoir, so I asked someone, and he said "yes but shhhhh, come with me" because he'd "quit smoking" so he had to hide. Just like being young children.
So. We discussed life over 7 minutes of cancer ingestion, and then he turned out to be Matt from Battleska, I used to have proper banter with him on their Forum when I was a wee bit younger, quite embarrassing. Then he turned out to be Matt from No Comply. Haha, WHAT?! Anyway, this bit didn't really sink in cos we'd been talking for a long time.
And then I snogged him and made my way into the bathroom with him in the Adequate House. Ohmy.
Wales won the Grand Slam and I got a bit drunk like.
Sunday was shit. Sketchy sketchy day.
Jim I know you sometimes read this. Where the hell are you? I haven't seen you for fucking aaaaggggeees and you are a nightmare to get hold of.
Miss you. Angrily. :(