summer is here and i work. funny how it works eh? time keeps going and you love it going fast loving it going slow. but we are growing up each and everyone of us. we all have our own goals, accoplishments, etc. but if anything that ive realized is that i dont have a best friend and really never have. there have been times where i guess you can say
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Just a few things... about the best friend issue... you may not have one or two sole best friends that never leave your side... but not many people do anyways. You are one of those people that are blessed with many friends who all truly appreciate you. You, unlike many people, will never be forgotten. Your smile will forever light the halls and I damn the day when I put on Ska and don't think of you.
Unfortunately, I barely know you. Yeah the Skank Agents started at my house... yeah we've had a few good laughs... and yeah i must say we've done our share of Tom Foolery together(as you'd call it)... but even in the few and far between times we've spent within the same proximity of each other... you still have made a certain impression on me... the same you make on most people, I presume.
Basically what I'm trying to say is that you are one hell of a person, and I think we should get to know each other more.
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