so first, jami and brittany came over when i got off work. we dicked around for awhile and they left around 8 or so. then beka came over. i ended up falling asleep on the couch while she was there, and when andy and jacob arrived around 9:45ish, i was still asleep. then jacob informed me that once his friend jamie got to town, they were going to the gay bar. bek and i wanted to go, so i got ready, she got ready, we met over at jacob’s and drove to the bar. when we got there, we realized they didn’t accept any forms of plastic whatsoever for drinks, which is lame. then we found out jamie left his ID at jacob’s. so before we paid the cover, we headed to the ATM and then back to jacob’s. after all this, we ended up getting to the bar around 1. it closed at 2. either way, we had a good time. after that was all said and done, we went to denny’s to stuff our faces.
i swear, i need an
appetite suppressant with the way i’ve been eating lately. it’s terrible! i had the same issues last year during this time trying to control how much i eat. luckily, i weigh a little less now than i did this time last year, so all in all, i haven’t stuck to my diet so well, but i haven’t paid great prices for it, either, just because i’ll watch what i eat some weeks and others, i pig out. but i digress.
we ended up back at the apartment at 3:30 and ended up crashing at 4. que noche! [insert symbols where needed]
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