Aug 15, 2007 21:51
This whole not getting for high school or college thing is kinda a bummer.. Everyone sounds so excited to start there new lives away from home, and here I am...the screw up as always going to be at home.. But I'm hopeing that this place hires me I can work for a year get my car thing all situated and go to CCC next year and maybe a place by there. I dunno...This summer have been so much fun, from being in SeaSide for a week..(which I will never forget =) ) and then Being in Wildwood for a week with my two cousins and two other people i've made friends with was totally awesome. I didnt hang out with people i talk too but i blame most of that on myself for not having the friends I use to. I miss having the group of friends that would always hang out on the weekends and just sit around and do stupid stuff. But I guess at someone we all grew up.
Oh well...
Untill next time.