you know it's gonna be slow at work when you're already bored half an hour into your shift

Jan 02, 2005 10:50

I dont understand how anyone at Cornell would survive a position at the library or as a CTA hall monitor without classwork to keep them occupied! This is the third day at work where i'm going to spend most of my time reading and browsing the internet rather than actually keying in specimens. The problem - there are no specimens to key in! I guess that nobody gets sick around the holidays. Funny, seeing how Matt has come down with a viral bronchitis and I am entertaining a sore throat myself. Luckily, I like coffee again and I drank a cup this morning to soothe my throat. The caffeine has kicked in and enough strange thoughts have entered my head that I decided it was time for another journal entry!

Oh it was very nice to be home for the holidays. I have that song stuck in my head right now, even though eminem is playing on our boombox. A line from that well known holiday favorite that always tickles me is "gee, the traffic is terrific." Is it terrific because the singer/narrator is happy to see so many people returning home to their loved ones? Is the singer being sarcastic because they are stuck in a highway gridlock? Or (matt's definition) is it terrific because there are so many people driving under the influence due to their recent swig of egg nog?

Anywho, Matt and I were able to spend 5 days with our family and friends at home (and two days traveling). I slept very little during this "vacation." I wanted to visit as many people as I could and do as much wedding prep as I could once I came home. I chose a flower vendor, met with the cake dude, frustrated Matt with tuxedo decisions, visited our reception location and was fitted for my dress. Yet, doing the wedding planning was definitely not the highlight of our visit to LG. Last Sunday, Matt and I drove through a North Eastern snowstorm to visit my grandparents. If I were to choose a hero and idol that I wished to emulate, it would be those two - hands down. My grandparents are the most interesting people I've ever known. Not only for their wisdom, but for their intelligence, creativity, and the passion they express for every small aspect of life. I'm very grateful to know them.

Over break I found out that my mom has sleep apnea. While this is a pretty common problem, the doctor thought it was severe enough to require an oxygen mask when she sleeps. My mom has smoked in the past, and I was more concerned about emphysema or lung damage. Seeing the oxygen tank next to her bed upset me , especially when added to the general fatigue I felt when I was home. I realize that the heath concerns of my parents are insignificant when compared with the anxieties some of my close friends are having about their parents, and especially with the recent tragedy in Indonesia. Thy will be done.

If anyone would like to talk, I'll be here at work for another 6 1/2 hours. 775-334-3400 ex.206
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