October 16 through October 19.
Shenandoah National Park, VA.
Andy, Tim, Dutch and Myself.
I think this is a funny picture, because it looks like Tim has to support his 20 pound watch.
Andy just had to do the point thing. I'm not even looking at my watch and Dutch isn't wearing one.
The reason we are all laughing is because behind the camera a man pulled up and stopped to watch us seconds after
we said, "Man, I we are so lame. I hope nobody comes over here." We didn't have enough forks for him and his family.
We were trying to warn Andy of the...CAAAW(flaps arms), but he instead took this (not so)point-less picture.
It's a scientifically prove fact that the further you get from urban areas the higher you wear your hat.
We are all so boss.
Tim was all like "Wuts sup? I'm badass"
Dutch was all "I'm emo. I need some freaking tissues."
Andy was like "Carlos, I want you close to me."
I was all like "We all should go for a walk or something."
The cop was all "Looks like someone was syphoning your...dearlordgodjesus what are all these signs doing in the back of your Blazer?"
We were like "Someone must have put them in there while we were eating our 85 dollar cheeseburgers."
I'm not going to explain how funny this picture is. Cause man...it was funny.
Atop Stoneyman. Or was it Jonny man? Either way we were high. yeeaaaahhhhhh.
Dutch is the only one not doing the Rock Point.
These we not all taken on the same day. I just didn't change my clothes.
I love Virginia. I think everyone should go, now. Wish I were still there.
There will be more posts. These are just the group shots.
Carlos A. Lamborn