(no subject)

Nov 05, 2004 11:02

Every day shit happens but we got to go through it ther is nothing we can relaly do about it. One day your life is awsome and the next day its turned upside down. IT happens to all of us at least once. I don't want to say alot even tho alot has happened cuz i know that none of you will read it any how.

Damn wtf You get offered to play varsity soccer a 5A schoool
and your
parents dont' even let you go what the fuck is that
seriously what woudl you do man?
im pretty fucking pissed about that

Some exciting things have been happening
mi brother V is getting married

but he is gettign maried to a white girl give me a break
o well ill live.

SEton soccer has started and mi coach fucking hates me cuz hes a fucking duche bag but wwat can you do everyone gets coaches like that once in a while.

IF you have read this far then you are probably a good friend of mine :-D

any ways

AZFC Sux ass if you play on the team i do

certain people think ther so good on mi team but when you look at the big picutre they arn't. Its funny cuz they talk shit all the time and yet no one ever talkes shit abou them. My team never wins
and its because we don't play as a team
we play as individuals but hey i dn't give a fuck cuz im moving to a higher
age level
or a new

WVASC sounds like agood one so Fuck azfc O well

I have to stick this season out because I have a scholarship to play

Yea i have a girl friend now two its kinda interesting but idk
some times she scares me and from time to time she can get annoying
and she takes everythign to seriously she needs to lighten up a shit
load. Damn
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