Jul 20, 2004 22:42
1)First Grade Teacher: Mrs. Broadwater
2) Last word you said: name
3) Last song you sang: "cal leacture"-i voted for kodos
4) Last person you hugged: my grandma
6) Last time you said 'I love you': earlier today probably to my grandma
7) Last time you cried: uh...it's been a while
8) What's in your CD player: probably i voted for kodos or kevin goes 2 college umm i'm not sure
9) What color socks are you wearing:none i'm wearing flip flops
10) What's under your bed: uhh i know like a lot of chuck taylors and probably stuff i haven't seen in like months probably even a year
11) What time did you wake up today: 6:15 a.m.
13) Current hair: dark brown
14) Current clothes: levi jean shorts w/ a regular belt, my white yoga top and undies and a bra
15) Current annoyance: my dad being drunk it sometimes just annoys the hell out of me
16) Current longing: ice cream (yeah i'm a fat kid) and wanting to meet an awesome guy
17) Current desktop picture: some happy bunny thingie
18) Current worry: that the band won't be ready for the first football game
19) Current hate: umm..i dunno?
20) Story behind your LJ username: well i dig ska like a lot so that = ska luving and gurl well b/c i'm a girl ( well since the last time i checked) and 05 = the year that i'm going to gradurate so yeah nothing exciting but that's that
21) Current favorite article of clothing: some jeans i bought this past saturday
22) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: smile, hair, eyes, and height (gotta be at least my height)
23) Last CD that you bought: ska box w/ 3 cds in it
24) Favorite place to be: anywhere w/ my buddies and a place to have a good time
25) Least favorite place: hospitals..or resting homes..anything that deals w/ death or sickness scares the crap out of me
26) Time you wake up in the morning:early
27) Do you play an instrument? why yes yes i do!
28) Favorite color(s): black..pink..blue
29) Do you believe in an afterlife: ugh sometimes
30) How tall are you: 5'6 well the last time i checked that's what it was i think
31) Current favorite word/saying: you're retarded!
32) Favorite book: go ask alice
33) Favorite season: umm.. autumn b/c the sweaters come out and i luv sweaters or just spending money on them
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: hmmm...that kid i met at region try outs like back in 8th grade..wonder how that guy is doing
35) Favorite day: friday
36) Where do you want to go: france, italy, new york, cali, back to flordia, and hawaii
37) What is your career going to be like: going to be rolling in the dough hopefully and be traveling
38) How many kids do you want? 2 one boy one girl or just one or none..unsure about that
39) What kind of car will you have? a kick ass one!
40) Type a line you remember from any book: ugh wtf? i can't remember a line from a book! you crazy!
41) A random lyric: 14 is my lucky number!
f a s h i o n | s t u f f
1. where is your favorite place to shop: ugh any place that has clothes that fit me and kick ass sales
2. any tattoos or piercing: ears pierced but haven't worn earrings in forever
s p e c i f i c s
1. do you do drugs?: the legal stuff for headaches but the other stuff haven't tried it
2. what kind of shampoo do you use? dove 2 in 1 for fine hair!
3. what are you most scared of?: getting killed and not being able to do the stuff i'm planning to do in the future
4. what are you listening to right now?: counting crows- accidentally in love
5. who is the last person that called you?: my dad
6. where do you want to get married?: on a beach
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 7 on aim...11 on yahoo...2 on msn
8. if you could change anything about yourself,one what would it be? umm my weight
f a v o r i t e s
1. color: pink, blue, black
2. pasta: the regular spagg..<--yeah not even going to try and spell it
3. boys names: ?
4. girls names: ?
5. subjects in school: band and art
6. animals: penguins!
7. sports: marching band ( i don't know if you can consider it a sport but we work hella hard so whateva) but i like to watch basket ball games and baseball games(for the guys in tight pants!)
h a v e | y o u | e v e r
1. given anyone a bath?: nope
2. smoked?: yeah
3. bungee jumped?: not but i want to
4. made yourself throw up?: yeah my tummy was hurting so i did that
5. skinny dipping?: nope not yet..sounds like fun
6: ever been in love?: yeah i say i have
7. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: lol yep!
8. pictured your crush naked?: ugh no!..well no i don't think so...i'll get back to you on that
9. actually seen your crush naked?: lol! nope!
10. cried when someone died?: yeah
11. lied: yeah
12. fallen for your best friend?: no
13. been rejected?: yeah who hasn't been rejected it's not fun but it's life
14. rejected someone?: yeah..felt bad though but i wasn't going to lead them on..that's not cool
15. used someone?: nah that's not right
16. done something you regret?: oh yeah
f i n a l | q u e s t i o n s
1. do you like filling these out?: sure..when i'm bored and have time to kill
2. how many people are you sending this to?:i dunno? it's going in the lj
3. who will send it back?: don't know but the better question is who is going to comment on this?
4. least likely to send it back?: " "
5. gold or silver?: silver
6. what was the last film you saw at the movies?: sleepover
7. favorite cartoon?: family guy..aqua teen hunger force..the simpsons..and daria when it was on mtv man that was a great cartoon
8. what did you have for breakfast this morning?: mickey d's
9. who would you hate to be locked in a room with?: somebody who smells bad...eww!
10. who would you love being locked in a room with?: umm i don't know...maybe some skankin' good ska bands and have them put on a concert
11. could you live without your computer?: nah..i'll die of boredom
12. would you color your hair?: yeah but not right now b/c football season and what not maybe during concert season b/c yeah
13. could you ever get off the computer?: yeah i do have to sleep and eat and i have other stuff to do
14. habla espanol?: poquito (only when needed or when i'm being dumb)
15. how many people are on your buddy list?: i have a lot of buddie lists and yeah don't feel like counting but i have 8 friends on my lj and 7 mutual friends so that's cool
16. drink alcohol?: only w/ maria
17. like watching sunrises or sunsets?: yeah
18. what hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?: emotional b/c the physical you can take meds and numb the pain
Long distance relationships = for if it's meant to be it will work out
Using someone = against
Killing people = against
Teenage smoking = whatever tickles your pickle
Premarital sex = hey whatever
Driving drunk = against come on don't be dumb!
Gay/lesbian relationship = for
Soap operas = don't care they are dumb!
Abortions = i'm kind of not sure about this one so no comment