Oct 07, 2011 06:13
- 09:58 "A 2005 study in the British Medical Journal found that learning and practicing the didgeridoo helped..." t.co/qgsyvjkI #
- 12:12 pepperprints replied to your post: Wait, Norah Winters is in Rucka’s Punisher? › ACK. I should have told you... t.co/UgARr5Wh #
- 12:12 Photo: ataxiwardance: t.co/jcMUs528 #
- 12:13 Photo: awyeahmona: I didn’t realize I shipped this until just now. t.co/kJhWlt43 #
- 19:53 "SIX YEARS after Professor Derrick Bell was removed from the Harvard School of Law for his protest..." t.co/jbrQ3lbw #
- 19:54 Photo: fyeahlilbitoeverything: t.co/KnIp6w3p #
- 20:45 Photo: scarfmouse: Meanwhile I’m getting very odd Spider-Man (or The Social Network)/Doctor Who crossover... t.co/WJNc6Euv #
- 20:59 Photo: fuckyeahbettas: I can definitely see the aesthetic appeal of these new “dumbo” bettas with the... t.co/uWHYKba3 #
- 22:49 Photo: t.co/ruyiBH1y #
- 23:20 CollegeFashion: Fashion Inspired by Les Miserables - HANNAH SQUEAK LOOOOOOOOOK I really like these looks,... t.co/YEfsPUOO #
- 23:52 Photoset: ronchronchronch: When you see woodblocks and read descriptions you think, “Oh, that sounds goofy... t.co/g7I6nxUF #
- 02:16 "Mary Jane, this is Logan. First name, last name, all in one.” “Like some of your model friends,” Logan..." t.co/C0jrtGW5 #
- 04:57 Photo: superamit: t.co/sbBK4qQ6 #
- 05:02 hallidae: Been a while since I did an overnight meme! List of fandoms, askbox. t.co/ll4nVg2Q #
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