Sep 04, 2004 21:11
I went into the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of put to rout all that was not life; and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
~Henry David Thoreau
i have no idea what to write in this entry... i made ir mostly because i used that quote as a peice of advice on a friends xanga... i <3 that quote
well im reading a book now by mercedes lackey and ellen guon... its called bedlams bard and its absolutely awesome, i really like it... the other book they wrote was ... oh god, it was sometihng about metal... ah, it was called the chrome born, it was about a group of elves and a mage who worked on, of all things, race cars, they owned their own race team and the mage was a spirit guide type thing named tannim, it was grand fun to read and this book, bedlams bard, is too, its a about a busker -street musician- who plays about the flute and goes to faires -like rennie faires- and learns hes a bard, like the merlin was... meaning he also has bardic magic, which in this novel is very strong... it reallyreallyreally is an awesome book, im only like 500 pages into it but its awesome and i def recommend reading it, thats when youve finished your summer assignements, i started reading tuesday around midnight and ive ignored everything other than sleep and the bathroom since, making homework doing very difficult, oh well i managed to take a break today and get up to like 41 words... i can finish up the last nine tomorrow
my back aches
i <3 milk, calcium, yum
this bores me, im going back to my book now