May 08, 2008 18:48
Life is pretty good. My summer in Pullman is way too much fun. I went to a graduation bbq at a friends apartment only to come home and have another bbq at the house a few hours later. Then went to a cinco de mayo celebration the next night and ate a bunch of food. The current situation at the house is very interesting. This house can comfortably fit 8 or 9 people and right now there are 13 people sleeping here. Plus there is usually a group of girls that come over to hang out so this house is packed. I currently dont have a room right now. Ive been sleeping on a couch and living out of my duffel bag. It is frustrating having everything in boxes because I can't find anything. Blah, oh well. Things will get better soon. I am working full time cleaning dorm rooms right now. I work ten hours a day Monday through Thursday, which means three day weekends! I've never had so much fun cleaning before. I didnt expect it from this job at all but its awesome. Since all my co-workers are from my church, they are all really fun to be around. I live with a billion musicians so I've been picking up the guitar more. It is difficult but I've been working on those muscles in my hand. So that's cool. I'm going back to PO next week for a dentist appointment and to get my wisdom teeth pulled. I'm excited to get that over with. And I start Calc 2 in June. YAY for math! I met a girl. Her name is Katrina. She is a sweet heart, loves God, and is everything I've prayed for and more. We are not exactly "official" yet, but I am sure it will happen within the next month. =)
Oh yeah! 4.0
I say good day.