Peta B.S.

Sep 12, 2005 15:44

Jerry Greenwald who oversees the Los Angeles Animal Shelter (LAAS) has had his house and car vandalized by Peta, and they even picked his house 2 times. The first time of which Peta even caused his wife to have a heart attack. Why? Because animal shelters do have to eventually put some animals to sleep. But the LAAS does also rescue 63,000 animals a year and work hard to increase animal adoption and educate owners on spading and neutering. Something Peta fails to mention. But get this, Peta also KILLS animals! Peta's financial statements and supplementary information for July 31, 2002 shows $9,370.00 spent on a Walk In Freezer (purchased on 5/28/02). What would Peta need with a freezer that big? Peta "rescued" 2,000 pets that year and put to sleep (aka killed) 1,325 of them at their headquarter in their new freezer.

"... sometimes the only kind option for some animals is to put them to sleep forever." - Ingrid Newkirk (Peta's founder and leader)

So what does Peta really want? "We want the total affiliation of animal cruelty and death. We want total animal liberation." stated Ingrid. If animals had total liberation then they would be locked up in animal jail for killing and crapping all over the place. Try having a pit bull living in liberation with a bunny. It wont be long before that bunny is chewed up to a bloody pulp. Peta wishes to out law fishing, dog shows, zoos, pets, horse racing, and even service animals such as guide dogs for the blind. Heck, they wont even allow the use of honey because bees are unfairly used in the creation of honey.

Peta says they just want a world where puppies, kitties, chickens, cows and bunnies to all live in perfect harmony. What a nice candy coated yet impossible dream that is but Peta try’s to achieve this goal by intimidating, harassing and threatening people and also by channeling money to people who bomb buildings. Peta will deny the support of any threats or terrorism but they have on record threaten to kill the kids of a celebrity on the way to school because they eat chicken.

"I think violence and non violence are not morals, they are tactics."

Rod Coronado is the most celebrated hard core animal rights activist. He firebombed a Michigan State University Lab in the name of animal rights and has confessed to at least 6 other arsons. What does this have to do with Peta? On Peta's tax return for the year ending on July 1999 they donated $45,200 to the Rodney Coranado Support Committee to "support committees work." Rodney also goes around speaking at universities with funding from Peta showing students how to make firebombs to blow up other buildings and encouraging them to do so. Peta's founder, Ingrid Newkirk has even publicly stated that Rodney Coronado is, and I quote, "...a fine young man."

On a side note Marry Beth Sweetland, vice president of Peta, is a diabetic and uses an insolence that was tested on dogs. She admits that her meds "...still contains some animal products. I don't see myself as a hypocrite. I need my life to fight for the rights of animals." Not a hypocrite? Her company firebombs animal testing labs for making the very anti-biotics that she personally uses!

Want to learn more about the Bull S#!T that goes on at Peta? Click Here.
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