Earlier this afternoon, after Eric came and got Tony, I was standing at the counter and saying to
the_lucky_nun that today'd be perfect to just go sit downtown, drink coffee, and read. She looked at me and (somewhat quizzically) asked "Well, why don't you?"
After a brief moment of reflection wherein I realized that I really didn't have a good reason not to, I grabbed my satchel and made for downtown. I sat in front of Z's for a good hour plus, sitting under the big umbrella and sipping on a latte as I started in on No Country For Old Men, which is much like reading a Jim Thompson novel. As well as a healthy amorality surrounding the bad guys, it's got some good-hearted characters mixed with the stupid and weak. It's also pretty fucking bleak, much like The Road (which I still cannot believe was picked for the Oprah book club).
After simmering in my own juices for a while, I decided some AC would be nice and headed over to Love Garden, with the intention of finding some dollar 45s to put on hold until payday - which I did. Then, when I went in the shotgun room, I discovered a treasure trove awesome punk and garage singles for a quarter a pop, and promptly sacrificed another cup of coffee to the vinyl gods.
10 rekkids for under three bucks... man. That's just AWESOME. And there's still the Vengeance pay-per-view over at the Annex in a couple hours, to say nothing of the Architects down at the Replay afterwards. No work tomorrow, either.
I think today's my reward for something.