Okay, so I update
nuthouseblog M W F, have the
radio show Friday nights, class Tu Th, and Saturdays are usually spent working on the website for said radio show and working on cd reviews for music staff, which is Sunday.
Work is M Tu W F. My god... I actually manage to accomplish most stuff I set for myself to do, along with getting in reviews to the Lawrencian once a month, which are usually reworked music staff reviews (as is the Monday post over at Rock Star Journalist). I somehow manage to fit in spending time with the boys, making dinner / keeping the house clean, getting out and seeeing a show once a week, attending once a month KJHK all-staff, and seeing my friends over at the Annex fairly often.
Five years ago, I couldn't balance work and... um, nothing. Now, it's like I have no issue making sure everything gets done, and rearranging my schedule as stuff comes up (house repairs, vet visits, parent / teacher conferences, baby showers, etc.). It used to be that if the mail was late, my day or even my week went to shit.
Wow. Maturity. What a concept.*
* Says the man who got off work and spent half an hour afterwards drinking beer and reading comic books behind the Bougeois Pig.