Ah... stuffing myself stupid on typical Thanksgiving fare, having my parents "cackle" (as
the_lucky_nun put it) when I said a "dad" thing, shooting pumpkins in the pasture, and walking out of the house with enough food so as to not have to make dinner tonight.
Oh, and did I mention a huge stack of records? Seriously, kids- being allowed to raid your parents' record collection is akin to becoming a man. It means that you have officially matured and grown up to the point where they trust that no longer will you be tempted to sell said records for beer / cigarette money. Grandma J also said that I am free to come raid a box of records in her basement. My family is awesome.
It was craziness and loud noises all day, which is par for the course in the Spacek / Jacobson family. Our holiday gatherings are not noted for lack of volume. As per usual, loud (and frequently embarassing) stories were told, and everyone ate far more than was probably necessary. The boys behaved far better than usual, and Tony spent a good half hour freezing his ass off on the back deck shooting bb guns with my dad.
As a result, Tanya and I are playing on our computers, the boys are watching Cartoon Network, and it may be that this is the first holiday to go off without any major metldowns. *frantically knocks wood* I'm gonna go back to downloading Songs the Cramps Taught Us and then change into some pjs and watch CSI. There will also most likely be a raiding of the leftover pie.
Tomorrow? The boys have no school, I'm off, Tanya works a half day... more family togetherness time, unless I end up going to KC. I am unsure as to whether or not
brimer and the guys will be doing the annual "harass Oak park employees with fake British accents" day or if they have to work. Hope not...