Lately, I've been finding myself stressed out - the radio station, making sure the boys are fed, making sure I'm not hiding out in the basement, working more because we're trying to cut down on labor at the bakery, updating
nuthouseblog in an attempt to get some readers, e-mail, family obligations, etc. I know a lot of it's my fault, and if I'd just let some stuff fall by the wayside and take time to sit on my ass and read a book or chill, I'd be less likely to freak out screaming at any given moment.
So, this is how I've been coping: cookies. I get stressed out, I start freaking, and this is the one thing that forces me to focus on one task for half an hour. No multitasking, no trying to juggle writing with watching TV or listening to a record. Just making cookies from creaming the sugar to shutting off the oven. It works, too. Thus far, I've made oatmeal cookies and peanut butter cookies.
I need to get some more ingredients so I can branch out beyond what we've got in the cabinets. Some chocolate chips would be nice. I used to have a recipe for these Spanish shortbread cookies with lemon rind that were basically butter, lemon, and flour. The topping for 'em involved taking a can of sweetened condensed milk and boiling it (unopened) for an hour, making it turn into this goo that you dolloped on top of the cookies. They were amazing.