Dec 05, 2010 09:30
Damn. I keep saying I'll post on here more often and I never do. Lol. It's much nicer than facebook too. No commercials or applications, a lot nicer. Anywho, got the world's worst job being a customer care agent, though it might not last if I can't pass the final test which is in a few weeks. if anything else at least I will have some extra money in the bank.
On other news, I'm actually excited about Christmas this year, not cause of gifts I might be getting, but because two people very important to me and who I care about deeply will be in Reno! =D. My sister, who I haven't seen in a year, and my boyfriend who's been in Vegas for work are both coming up! I'm super, super excited to see them!
Sassie has been doing well. I've gained some sanity working. Still trying to figure out what the hell I want to do for grad school. Anyone got any ideas? Lol. Please let me know. I also singed up for the JET program to teach English over in Japan. I'm excited about it, but I won't know anything until early February. The waiting is the hardest. That's about all that's been going on in my life. Oh, I changed my picture to Draco, the best dragon to ever hit the silver screen. =)