fuck fuck fuck

Oct 29, 2004 07:41

Morgan drops me off at 11ish, I do my normal bed time routien, then check on teh ratters. Ren, is not in good condition. He was listless, shivery, and twitching. After being briefly certain he was dying then and there, I grabed the phone book and started looking for vets that were open. Found one, in Mall 205 (or close enough). Called Brent and got a ride (I love you SO good) and popped Ren into the vets hands.

His appetite's been droping and he'd been drinking more water, but I hadn't been too worried since up until last night he was still as active as usuall. The vet said he was dehydrated, showing symptoms close to shock, and was having problems maintaining body heat. Since they don't have a rodent expert on hand, they're not too sure. They gave him some antibiotics, some fluid under the skin, and a fluid heat pack so I can keep him warm.So, Vet Man think's it's either kidneys went out, cancer, just a cold (rats get em pretty bad, apparently), or Ren's just at the end of his run.

He's doing beter this morning. Up and more active by far than last night. Still drinking loads, and didn't really touch the food I put in there, but he seems better. Enough to wander around the cage a bit at least.

Got home at 4ish, and to bed at 5ish. It's now 7:30. I have to shower, pack a nice set of clothes, and generally look like a normal secretary. Matthew's got someone new coming in, so he want's people to look nice. And of course this happens on the day when I get no sleep. Aaah well, 's what caffene's for.

Still have decorating to do, and at some point tomorow I have to run to the vet and drop off payment. $118. God, I hate being poor.

I don't wanna go to work. If it wasn't payday, I wouldn't be going in, but there's that whole money=good thing. I'm just scared I'm gonna come home and he'll be dead...
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