Jul 02, 2007 22:49
too upset for simpson quote.
so today was pretty much like the song jury duty by the supertones.
my car has not been running well for a while, i went to costco to get a battery that pat said he'd install
i hate people at costco, not the people that work at costco, the people shopping at costco, so rude and inconsiderate, yea i don't want to relive that right now or ever.
did not realise said battery would be so expensive...
so i get to the mcclay's house pat does his thing, checks the radiator, just needs a new cap, thank God. installs the battery. good.
so i'm leaving to go home 'cause i was tired and didn't need to be there any more and my car won't really shift into reverse and it won't shift past it.
i try in vain to get it into drive w/o breaking it. no good.
pat comes out, takes the car a part he determines what the problem is but he can't really fix it.
the car is like stuck inbetween reverse and neutral.
he's like you're gonna need to take it to the shop to have that fixed, there's a shop like a couple of blocks away that he recommended but i don't have any money right now, which sux 'cause i just got paid. so i had to leave my car there for a while...
so i called my mom to be sure she was home, and jodi took me home.
she's not gonna help me out, which i didn't expect her to.
at least she's driving me to work...
i just want to crawl into a hole and stay there until everything is over with and then come out and have everything fixed and back to normal...
broken car